出道20年歷經過巔峰 也跌入過谷底 Anne Hathaway送給女孩的10個人生智慧

出道20年歷經過巔峰 也跌入過谷底 Anne Hathaway送給女孩的10個人生智慧

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By Khristina on 20 Apr 2020
Digital Editor

Anne Hathaway出生於美國紐約,剛出道以《The Princess Diaries》成功一炮而紅。入行迄今超過20年,演活了無數個角色。獨特的氣質帶有一絲俏皮可愛的感覺,甚至被譽為是Julia Roberts 和Audrey Hepburn的混合體。這位人見人愛的小妮子,卻曾經在獲得奧斯卡肯定之後迎來演藝事業的低谷,從一個深受歡迎的萬人迷變成眾人眼中唾罵的女星,直到2014年演出《Interstellar》重新贏得觀眾的喜愛。

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

一個曾經走過事業巔峰的女孩,也曾經嘗試過墜入谷底的感受,卻始終對自己熱愛的事業充滿熱誠,一如既往地用精湛的演技和充滿正能量的態度活出自己想要的樣子。今天,就和大家分享10個Anne Hathaway的勵志人生語錄,讓我們一起去感受她對人生的態度吧!

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

1. 【Whatever you are made of, be the best of that.】


Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

2. 【Life for me these days is a lot about letting the unknown be wonderful.】

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

3.【You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.】

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

4.【A bad love experience is no reason to fear a new love experience.】

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

5.【I used to believe that love was finding someone who would lead you through the deep water.】

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

6.【I believe I’ve always been a big believer in equality. No one has ever been able to tell me I couldn’t do something because I was a girl.】

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

7.【The best part about working is that you never know what you’re going to learn when you start out.】

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

8.【But you have to remember in life that there’s a positive to every negative and a negative to every positive.】

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

9.【Obsessing about weight is a big old waste of time.】

Anne HathawayPhoto from Pinterest

10.【Everybody has bad relationships and, at the end of the day, they are just a great way to set yourself up for a good relationship.】
Text: TopBeauty Editorial


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