岑麗香B仔Jacob出世啦!萬事以家庭孩子為先「一家三口可以湊夠腳玩包、剪、? 」
Photo from heungheungeliza @Instagram
今日香香喺IG上宣布囝囝Jacob出世:「Welcome to the world my little BabyBooBoo! Everyone meet baby Jacob!We feel so happy and blessed to have you in our lives, you truly are our greatest gift from God.Now we have a complete set of Rock Paper and Scissors! We’re also so grateful to Dr. Wong and the staff at Union Hospital for everything they have done for us. Apologies in advance that we can’t reply to all the messages lately, but we are so thankful for all your blessings! Can’t wait to see you all very soon!」
Photo from heungheungeliza@Instagram
文中佢表示兩夫婦好高興生命中可以擁有佢地嘅結晶,係神賜畀佢地最好嘅禮物,仲笑言一家三口可以湊夠腳玩包、剪、? ,最後亦有感謝仁安醫院嘅醫護人員!
Photo from heungheungeliza @Instagram
Photo from heungheungeliza @Instagram
Photo from Instagram
Text:TopBeauty Editorial
Photo Source:Instagram