【職場英文】新人報到如何用英文自我介紹?打工仔必學常用語 + 回覆HR入職日Email

【職場英文】新人報到如何用英文自我介紹?打工仔必學常用語 + 回覆HR入職日Email

By Fennie on 06 Mar 2025
Digital Editor

面試的時候,相信都會被HR問:「你什麼時候可以 on board?」,意思是對方想確認你幾時可以開始返工。打工仔除了要了解最快到職日英文怎麼說,還有入職日英文、新人報到的自我介紹英文等等,以下為大家整理了新人報到英文全攻略,還有實用對話範例,讓你在職場上講英文更加流暢、更順利融入同事。

在面試的時候,相信都會被HR問:「你什麼時候可以 on board?」Photo from Pinterest


  1. On board / New hire orientation(新人報到,公司迎新流程、新員工訓練)
  2. Start date / Reporting date(第一天報到的日期)
  3. Employment start date / First day at work(簽約後的正式上班日)
  4. Join the company / Start working(到職,口語或正式表達「開始工作」)
  5. Begin work / Start the job(開始上班)
  6. Take office / Assume duty(正式上任)
  7. Earliest available start date(最快到職日)
  8. New employee / New hire(剛入職的員工)

用英文寫Email通知公司入職日。Photo from Pinterest



Subject: Confirmation of Start Date

Dear HR,

I am excited to confirm my start date at【公司名稱】as【職位稱呼】on【入職日期,如:Monday,August 5, 2024】. Please let me know if there are any documents or preparations needed before my first day.

Looking forward to joining the team!

Best regards,


新人報到第一天用英文自我介紹。Photo from Pinterest




Hi everyone, I’m【你的名字】. I just joined as a【職位稱呼】in the【部門名稱】team.(大家好,我是【你的名字】。我剛加入【部門名稱】擔任【職位稱呼】。)

I’m excited to work with you all and looking forward to learning and contributing.(很高興成為團隊的一員,也期待能夠一起學習與貢獻!)


Good morning, everyone. My name is【你的名字】, and I have recently joined the company as a【職位稱呼】.(各位早晨,我是【你的名字】,最近剛加入公司擔任【職位稱呼】。)

I have【X】years of experience in【你的專業領域】, and I’m excited to bring my expertise to the team. I look forward to collaborating with all of you!(我在【你的專業領域】擁有【X】年的經驗,期待與大家合作並貢獻我的專長!)

新入職免不了遇到一些情境,例如HR問你到職日、上司面談或同事間閒聊等等,這時候我們就必須展現流利的職場英文。Photo from Pinterest



1. HR問你上班報到日英文

When will you start working?(你什麼時候開始上班?)

回答:I will start on June 1st.(我會在6月1日開始上班。)

What’s your official start date? 你的正式入職日期是?

回答:My first day at work will be next Monday.(我的第一天上班是下個星期一。)

上司詢問你的背景與期待時用英文回答。Photo from Pinterest

2. 上司詢問你的背景與期待

Can you briefly introduce yourself?(你可以簡單自我介紹嗎?)

回答:I have three years of experience in marketing, and I’m eager to apply my skills to help the team achieve its goals.(我有3年的行銷經驗,希望能運用我的技能幫助團隊達成目標。)

What do you hope to achieve in your first few months?(你希望在前幾個月達成什麼目標?)

回答:I hope to learn more about the company culture and contribute as much as I can.(我希望能更了解公司的文化,並盡可能貢獻所長。)

認識新同事的話題英文。Photo from Pinterest

3. 認識新同事的話題

How do you like your new role so far?(你覺得這份新工作怎麼樣?)

回答:I’m really enjoying it! Everyone has been very welcoming.(我很喜歡!大家都很友善。)

Where were you working before joining us?(加入我們之前,你在哪裡工作?)

回答:I used to work at ABC Company as a project manager.(我之前在ABC公司擔任專案經理。)

Text:TopBeauty Editorial


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