Marvel最性感女角無誤!完美女神黑寡婦Scarlett Johansson10句名言活出自信:「太瘦的女生沒魅力!」

Marvel最性感女角無誤!完美女神黑寡婦Scarlett Johansson10句名言活出自信:「太瘦的女生沒魅力!」

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By joycecheung on 25 Apr 2019

講到近日熱話一定非《復仇者聯盟4》莫屬!睇咗嘅全世界都討論緊劇情,未睇嘅只可以忍住不聞不問,但話哂追咗咁多年,咁快就大結局真係唔捨得!又唔駛咁傷心嘅,Marvel公認最性感女神黑寡婦將於2020年推出獨立電影,堪稱Marvel粉絲史上最期待電影之一!樣貌同身材都接近完美嘅性感女神Scarlett Johansson飾演黑寡婦,簡直為Marvel女角色攞返唔少分數,不論男或女都抵擋唔住佢嘅魅力~

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有「瑪莉蓮夢露接班人」嘅Scarlett Johansson曾入選「全球性感女星」之一,可謂家傳互曉嘅荷里活女星,女神當然唔係只得美貌,除咗係演藝圈有出色表現,亦有發展其他生意上嘅業務,更係一位好媽媽,雖然經歷兩次離婚,但仍然活出自信,堅持做自己,每日不停學習,我地一於睇下呢位智慧女神嘅10句金句,相信唔少女生都會有啟發!

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1. I’m not anxious to starve myself. For me, it’s not at all sexy to be ultra-thin.


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2.I've always been very determined, ever since I was a little girl, to make my way.


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3.It’s nice to have a crush on someone. It feels like you’re alive.


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4.I’m happiest when I have something to focus my energy on.


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5.I try to stay fit and eat healthily, but I am not anxious to starve myself and become unnaturally thin. I don't find that look attractive on women and I don't want to become part of that trend. It's unhealthy and it puts too much pressure on women in general who are being fed this image of the ideal, which it is not.


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6.The most precious moment in life is when you're about to fall in love. You're lying in bed together and he's gazing at you and you're gazing at him and there's a sense that something truly wondrous is about to happen. It's a nervous moment - but it's exhilarating.


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7.I would never knowingly go into a film that I wouldn’t pay to see, or something that didn’t challenge me.


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8.One of the best things for a woman to hear is that she is sexy.


Photo from Pinterest

9.When we live our lives everyday, we're met by opportunities, and most of us don't even recognize them.


10.It’s a great thing to get older and learn. I don’t feel bound in any way by how many years I’ve lived. I identify just as much with my 86-year-old grandmother as I do with my sister.



Text:TopBeauty Editorial


Photo source:Pinterest


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