

Hot Topics Self
By Michelle on 07 May 2019
Digital Editor
Life is short, don't be lazy . Be your own idol to enjoy every moment !

已經60歲嘅美國歌手麥當娜 縱橫樂壇近40年,多次以不老身材打破大眾對女人凍齡嘅想像,演出過嘅歌曲同電影,更成為唔止一代人嘅記憶。到目前為止,麥當娜喺全球賣出3億張唱片,即使已經年過半百,仍然不改其創新大膽嘅個人作風,舞台上嘅美態與英姿仍然風靡全球。即使已經去到一個被認為適合「安享晚年」嘅年紀,佢自信地用苦練多年而來嘅肌肉同魄力話畀大家知,女人唔應該以年齡限制了你突破自己。麥當娜帶畀我哋嘅人生啟發,值得我哋好好思考~

Photo from madonna @ ig

#1 大部分的女人到了一定年紀,就會淡然接受她們不允許展現某些行為的這種規定。但我不會聽從這種規定,我從來不聽話,而且我也不打算聽話。

“Women, generally, when they reach a certain age, have accepted that they're not allowed to behave a certain way. But I don't follow the rules. I never did, and I'm not going to start.”

Photo from madonna @ ig

#2 讓別人來決定自己快樂的人,是貧窮的人。

“Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another. ”

Photo from madonna @ ig

#3 不管妳的身分地位是甚麼,都能隨時改變、塑造出更好的自己。

I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams.

Photo from madonna @ ig

#4 寧為一年虎,不做百年羊。

"Better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as a sheep."

Photo from from pinterest

#5 有時候,人得賤點才能把事情搞定。 

Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done.

Photo from from pinterest

#6 我很悍,我有野心,我確切知道我要什麼。如果這讓我變成了個婊子,沒問題!

I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay.

Photo from from pinterest

#7 如果你凡事都要以貌取人,那你會變得很恐怖、讓人害怕、很侮辱人,甚至很無聊! 

“If you take everything I do at face value, you're going to be horrified. Or intimidated. Or insulted. Or bored.”

Photo from from pinterest

#8 我們學到一個教訓:我們會受傷、也會很想要報復。但我們要明白的是,幸福快樂和原諒他人才是最強、最棒的報復。

“We learn our lessons; we get hurt; we want revenge. Then we realize that actually, happiness and forgiving people is the best revenge.”

Photo from from pinterest

#9 我們本質上都是好的,只是偶爾會蒙上一層醜陋陰影,而我們的任務就是把那層迷霧給抹去,並重新展現我們最好的那一面。

“We’re all good intrinsically, just covered sometimes in filth and darkness, and our job is to get rid of it, to peel back the layers and reveal our goodness.”

Photo from from pinterest

#10 養育小孩讓大多數人,包括我在內,會變更成熟一些。

“Raising kids makes most people, including me, grow up at least a little.”

Photo from from pinterest

Text:TopBeauty Editorial

Photo source: Instagram,pinterest


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