Photo from Pinterest
Photo from 《我的前半生》劇照
Photo from 《未生》劇照
# 「代溝在哪都有,上下級的特殊性在於,上級的錯誤也是正確的。這是由地位決定的,而不是由年齡決定的。」
Photo from 《獵場》劇照
#「我也有過像 A4 紙那樣,銳利又平整,只要輕輕滑過就會受傷流血的時期。也 不知道什麼時候開始退縮、被踐踏,被一塊一塊地分解。 結婚的時候經歷了一次,孩子出生當爸爸之後又一次,買完房又一次,然後孩子讀大學時, 我回顧我自己,發現我的稜角都磨平了。」
Photo from 《金科長》劇照
Photo from 《無法成為野獸的我們》劇照
Photo from 《我要準時下班》劇照
#「這幸福裡雖然也包含公司和獎金,但錢並不是全部,我做這份工作而有的自負心、做出來這份工作帶來的成就感、當被別人認可了這份能力時的開心、再有能與自己一起分享這些快樂的同僚 ,所以不論遇到任何的困難,也會有自信去完成那件事的感覺,我想這就是幸福吧!」
Photo from 《玉氏南政基》劇照
Photo from 《又,吳海英》劇照
Photo from 《自體發光辦公室》劇照
Photo from 《她很漂亮》劇照
Text: TopBeauty Editorial
超實用職場英文Email50句 開場白、建議、收尾 打工仔總有一句用得著!
19 Nov 2020
Photo from Pinterest
- I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you…
- I am writing to follow up our earlier decision on…
- I am reaching out to you about…
- I recently heard about...and would like to...
- As I mentioned earlier about…
- As you requested...
- As we discussed over the phone/before…
- Please be advised/informed…
- We would like to inform you that…
- Please note that…
Photo from Pinterest
- We will have a meeting regarding…
- Could we meet and discuss…
- Would you arrange a formal appointment for us…
- I would like to arrange a suitable time and place to meet to discuss…
- Can we get together to talk about…
Photo from Pinterest
- We look forward to your clarification.
- May I have your reply by***, if possible?
- I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply…
- Please advise if you agree with this approach.
- I await your immediate response.
- I would appreciate your immediate attention to the matter.
Photo from Pinterest
- Your prompt response will be most appreciated.
- Thank you for your time and consideration.
- Thank you for reaching out to us regarding...
- I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.
- Your understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated.
Photo from Pinterest
- Due to circumstances beyond our control...
- We are sorry to inform you that…
- We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
- I apologise for the delay in...
- I would like to apologise for...
- Sorry for the delay in replying.
- We regret to inform you that…
- I am afraid that I must inform you of/that…
- Sorry for any trouble caused.
Photo from Pinterest
- We would be grateful if you could…
- Would you please send me…
- Please keep me informed on the matter.
- Please keep me posted.
- Please, do keep me updated.
Photo from Pinterest
- I am enclosing…
- Attached herewith is...
- Please find enclosed…
- For reference, I've appended…
- You’ll find the attachment below.
- Please find the attached file for your kind reference.
- Please refer to the attached file for your kind perusal.
- Please find the attached file for your approval.
- The requested document is attached to this email.
- Relevant information is in the attached file.
Text: TopBeauty Editorial