超實用職場英文簡寫25句 打工仔學會後即刻明白上司傳達的信息

超實用職場英文簡寫25句 打工仔學會後即刻明白上司傳達的信息

By Fennie on 12 Oct 2024
Digital Editor

職場英文中,常用一些縮寫詞語可以幫助你更有效地表達自己的意思,例如ASAP(as soon as possible)表示盡快,LMK(Let me know)表示告訴我。熟悉這些常用詞語可以加快你寫作的速度,同時也能讓你的email更貼近職場語境。以下是辦公室英文簡寫,打工仔學識就無敵~

職場英文中,常用一些縮寫詞語可以幫助你更有效地表達自己的意思。Photo from Pinterest


1. I need to hv the report a.s.a.p. LMK when it’s done.

a.s.a.p.即是as soon as possible,意思是「即刻要,馬上要」;而LMK則是Let me know,全句就是「I need to have the report as soon as possible. Let me know when it’s done」

打工仔需掌握辦公室英文簡寫。Photo from Pinterest

2. Pls rmb that I’ll LET & WFH. Feel free to e-mail me. Thx.

RMB是remember;LET與WFH分別是leave early today和work from home,全句就是「Please remember that I will leave early today and work from home. Feel free to e-mail me. Thanks.」

熟悉這些常用詞語可以加快你寫作的速度。Photo from Pinterest


ICYMI就是in case you missed it的縮寫。如果不明白整封emial說什麼,建議查看email的subject,如果見到ICYMI,就是對方告訴你東西做漏了,要你馬上去補回。

學會英文縮寫能讓你的email更貼近職場語境。Photo from Pinterest

4. The printed material will arrive at office today. IIRC , it’s COD. CMIIW. AYMK, I am OoO today. Pls handle. TIA.

IIRC的意思是If I recall correctly,COD則是Cash on delivery,CMIIW是Correct me if I’m wrong,AYMK是As you may know , OoO= Out of office ,TIA即是Thanks in advance。

全句就是:「The printed material will arrive at office today. If I recall correctly, it’s cash on delivery. Correct me if I’m wrong. As you may know, I am out of office today. Please handle. Thanks in advance.」

常用的英文簡寫。Photo from Pinterest


FAIK = As far as I know

ATM = At the moment

FYA = For your action

FYI =For your information

FYR = For your reference

HTH = Hope that helps

JIC = Just in case

MYOB = Mind your own business

NMP = Not my problem

NNTR = No need to respond

NRR = No reply requested

NWR = Not work related

PFA = Please find the attachment

PYR = Per your request

RB = Reply by

RR = Reply requested

SIM = Subject is message

SSIA = Subject says it all

TBF = To be forwarded

Text:TopBeauty Editorial


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