

Lifestyle Relationship
By Michelle on 23 Apr 2019
Digital Editor
Life is short, don't be lazy . Be your own idol to enjoy every moment !

即使伴侶間生活多年,平淡日子背後仍然有數之不盡嘅笑料,比如係鬧交時情侶上演各種攻防戰—一哭二罵三離家、極端一啲可以蓋上棉被就「和好」了(笑);情侶每晚睡前除咗有閒聊時間、更多嘅係IIB、III時間~台灣插畫家H.H先生 畫風搞笑又寫實,令人睇到哭笑不得又肉緊嘅插畫每張都係情侶真實寫照,你有見到似曾熟識嘅身影嗎?

#1 情侶吵架其實也是很有戲

Photo from hhonghh @ fb


Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

#2 情侶睡前也是蠻忙的

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

#3 親親能醫百病

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Photo from hhonghh @ fb

Text:TopBeauty Editorial

Photo source:Instagram @ H.H先生


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