【職場英文】會議英文8句流程句型 + 18句開會常用單字 召開會議、開場白、議題
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1/ call a meeting 召開會議:I would like to call a meeting for this project, I hope we can find the best solution together.(我想替這個專案召開一個會議,希望我們能一起找出最佳的解決方案。)
2/ Book 預約會議室:For our meeting tomorrow, I've booked the room 305 at 3pm to 5pm.(明天的會議我已經預訂好下午3點到5點的305號會議室。)
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3/ Start in few minutes 即將在數分鐘後開始:Our meeting will start in 3 minutes. Please take your seat.(我們的會議將在三分鐘後開始。請各位就坐。)
4/ is as follows 如下:OK! Let's get started. The agenda of today’s meeting is as follows, for first we will talk about….(好的!讓我們開始吧。今天會議的議程如下,首先我們將會談到⋯⋯)
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5/ The floor is yours 輪到你發言了:Fennie, The floor is yours, you can say whatever you think.(芬尼,輪到你發言了,你可以盡量發表你的想法。)
6/ move on to 繼續:For this question, we will come back for it later. Now let’s move on to the next topic.(針對這個問題,我們稍後再回來討論。現在讓我們繼續下一個主題。)
7/ Take a break 中場休息/稍作休息:Let’s take a break. We will be back in 10 minutes.(讓我們先稍作休息,10分鐘後回來開會。)
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8/ Let’s call it a day 今天就到此為止:If there are no other extempore motions. Let’s call it a day.(如果沒有其他臨時動議,今天就到此為止。)
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- Agenda(開會議程)
- Be absent(缺席)
- Book(預訂)
- Briefing(簡報)
- Chairperson(主席)
- Conference(會議)
- Con-call / Conference call(線上會議)
- Extempore motion(臨時提案)
- Laser pointer(雷射筆)
- Meeting(開會)
- Meeting minutes(開會記錄)
- Meeting room(會議室)
- Participant(參與者)
- Presentation(簡報)
- Projector(投影機)
- Seminar(講座)
- Survey(調查)
- Video Conference(視訊會議)
Text:TopBeauty Editorial