Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
昨天凌晨時分,宋熙年於IG發佈了一張相片及撰寫了一篇長文:「12 years ago, I chanced upon a life changing opportunity, found my way from Sydney to Hong Kong, TVB took me under their wing and from then on it has been an unforgettable journey. I have been blessed with so many great people around me, those who have had the patience and kindness to help me achieve my goals. A huge heartfelt thank you to each and everyone of you! I especially have to thank the 東張西望 and Dolce Vita family for all the opportunities, allowing me to grow so much over the years. 特別要感謝監製張嘉玲,由《事必關己》開始,你同一班愛錫我嘅台前幕後團隊對我嘅信任,不離不棄同埋耐心栽培。我會好唔捨得你地!嘉玲姐,謝謝你。The decision to part hasn’t been easy, but my family has given me the courage and strength to jump out of my comfort zone. Becoming a mother has only made me stronger and more ready to take on the challenges ahead. I hope to broaden my horizons, aim higher and to make my family proud! 」
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Photo from ig @ rahrahsong
Text:TopBeauty Editorial