OL們必學8個Google Docs文件超實用技巧!工作時更得心應手!

OL們必學8個Google Docs文件超實用技巧!工作時更得心應手!

By Winky on 24 Nov 2020
Digital Editor

不少上班一族都需要用到Google Docs文件,能夠即時儲存,而且可以多人同時共享,非常方便!不過很多人都未必掌握Google Docs的真正用法,其實Google Docs有許多實用功能也鮮為人知,學懂後不但能提高工作效率,更能增強職場上的競爭力!現在為大家送上8個Google Docs文件超實用技巧,工作時更得心應手!

Photo from pinterest


除了插入圖片之外,Google Docs中也有自己繪圖的工具。同樣在上方工具列中選擇「插入」,再選取「繪圖」,就會出現一個類似小畫家的空白頁面讓你可以直接繪圖,或在圖片中加入文字等等,繪圖完成後只要按下「儲存並關閉」,剛剛的圖就會直接出現在文件中。

Photo from Topbeauty

Photo from Topbeauty


在編輯文件時如果需要查詢資料,通常都要再跳到搜尋的分頁或視窗,但在Google Docs中只要選擇上方工具列的「工具」並選取「探索」,網頁右邊就會出現小型的Google搜尋引擎視窗,不用再切換到不同視窗,超級方便!

Photo from Topbeauty

Photo from Topbeauty


Google Docs有即時自動存檔的功能,而且會保留你的變更紀錄,如果處理長篇的工作或報告文字,有時候可能會需要回到之前的版本做更改,這時只要到上方工具列的「檔案」選擇「版本記錄」,就能選擇不同時間所做的修改版本,再也不用一直按返回鍵啦!

Photo from Topbeauty


原來不止Iphone,Google Docs都內置語音輸入功能!先點選擇「工具」>「語音輸入」,即可以開啟語音輸入功能。接著,確認你的語言設定,按下彈出來的麥克聲視窗,同時讀誦,Google便會將你的聲音轉換成文字了,非常方便!

Photo from Topbeauty

Photo from Topbeauty


Google Docs的最大特色是可以共同協作,有時覺得内容有問題但又不想直接更改了作者的心血,可以好好善用「留言」功能。只要選擇右上角的鉛筆並選擇「建議操作」,之後輸入的字就會被獨立標註出來並出現在文件右方,其他協作者能隨意回覆,也能看到「建議」的建立者、建立時間等。如果問題解決了就可點選剔號,那標註的框框也會隨之而消失。



Photo from Topbeauty




Google Docs內建字體好像不夠用?只需點擊「字型」>「更多字型」,就會彈出一個視窗,當中可以選擇不同語言的字體,而所有字型都能收藏起來於任何網頁使用,甚至能夠下載來到於電腦上使用!而在Google Fonts網站,你更可以搜尋更為仔細的字型款式呢!

Photo from Topbeauty

Photo from Google Fonts

Text: TopBeauty Editorial


超實用職場英文Email50句 開場白、建議、收尾 打工仔總有一句用得著!

19 Nov 2020


Photo from Pinterest


-  I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you…
- I am writing to follow up our earlier decision on…
- I am reaching out to you about…
- I recently heard about...and would like to...
- As I mentioned earlier about…
- As you requested...
- As we discussed over the phone/before…
- Please be advised/informed…
- We would like to inform you that…
- Please note that…

Photo from Pinterest


- We will have a meeting regarding…
- Could we meet and discuss…
- Would you arrange a formal appointment for us…
- I would like to arrange a suitable time and place to meet to discuss…
- Can we get together to talk about…

Photo from Pinterest


- We look forward to your clarification.
- May I have your reply by***, if possible?
- I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply…
- Please advise if you agree with this approach.
- I await your immediate response.
- I would appreciate your immediate attention to the matter.

Photo from Pinterest


- Your prompt response will be most appreciated.
- Thank you for your time and consideration.
- Thank you for reaching out to us regarding...
- I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.
- Your understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated.

Photo from Pinterest


- Due to circumstances beyond our control...
- We are sorry to inform you that…
- We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
- I apologise for the delay in...
- I would like to apologise for...
- Sorry for the delay in replying.
- We regret to inform you that…
- I am afraid that I must inform you of/that…
- Sorry for any trouble caused.

Photo from Pinterest


- We would be grateful if you could…
- Would you please send me…
- Please keep me informed on the matter.
- Please keep me posted.
- Please, do keep me updated.

Photo from Pinterest


- I am enclosing…
- Attached herewith is...
- Please find enclosed…
- For reference, I've appended…
- You’ll find the attachment below.
- Please find the attached file for your kind reference.
- Please refer to the attached file for your kind perusal.
- Please find the attached file for your approval.
- The requested document is attached to this email.
- Relevant information is in the attached file.
Text: TopBeauty Editorial


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