【職場技能】過期Email未來得及回覆?4個回覆Email技巧 挽回你的專業精神

【職場技能】過期Email未來得及回覆?4個回覆Email技巧 挽回你的專業精神

By Fennie on 02 May 2023
Digital Editor


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1. 回覆工作e-mail


Dear XXX(對方名字),

As I was looking through my drafts, I realized I had never [emailed/responded to] you about [subject]. I am sincerely sorry for letting the ball drop on this one—in the future, I’ll double-check that I’ve sent my messages to you so it doesn’t happen again.

After meeting with the Dev Ops team, we’ve decided to move forward with the original plan discussed at our March meeting.

Apologies again,


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2. 回覆想請你幫忙的人


Dear XXX(對方名字),

Last month, you asked me if I knew anyone who worked at XXX(公司的名字), and I apologize for not answering sooner! Are you still hoping to find a contact there? I just looked through my connections and discovered a couple people who might be helpful. Let me know if you want me to make some introductions.

And if there’s anything else I can do for you, just ask. I promise I’ll try to be quicker next time!


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3. 回覆壞消息的e-mail


Hi XXX(對方名字),

I hope you’re doing well and that your last semester at XXX(公司的名字) is off to a great start. My sincerest apologies for not getting back to you about the remote internship sooner.

After thinking it over, our team doesn’t think this will work out—so much of our communication happens in person, and we’d hate for you to miss that. However, you’re clearly talented and motivated, and I’d be more than happy to see if I know anyone at another company who could use a remote intern. Let me know if you’re interested.



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4. 有些友好但「技術上」不用回覆的e-mail



Hi XXX(對方名字),

Thanks so much for your kind note last month! Yep, it was definitely exciting for our team to get the Wall Street Journal mention—things have been crazy here ever since, which is why I’m so late in answering your email. (I apologize!)

I saw your company recently announced its launching a new marketing division. That’s so awesome, congratulations! How’s everything been going over there?

Thank you again, and I hope to see you at another meet-up in the future.



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Text: TopBeauty Editorial



超實用職場英文Email50句 開場白、建議、收尾 打工仔總有一句用得著!

19 Nov 2020


Photo from Pinterest


-  I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you…
- I am writing to follow up our earlier decision on…
- I am reaching out to you about…
- I recently heard about...and would like to...
- As I mentioned earlier about…
- As you requested...
- As we discussed over the phone/before…
- Please be advised/informed…
- We would like to inform you that…
- Please note that…

Photo from Pinterest


- We will have a meeting regarding…
- Could we meet and discuss…
- Would you arrange a formal appointment for us…
- I would like to arrange a suitable time and place to meet to discuss…
- Can we get together to talk about…

Photo from Pinterest


- We look forward to your clarification.
- May I have your reply by***, if possible?
- I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply…
- Please advise if you agree with this approach.
- I await your immediate response.
- I would appreciate your immediate attention to the matter.

Photo from Pinterest


- Your prompt response will be most appreciated.
- Thank you for your time and consideration.
- Thank you for reaching out to us regarding...
- I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter.
- Your understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated.

Photo from Pinterest


- Due to circumstances beyond our control...
- We are sorry to inform you that…
- We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
- I apologise for the delay in...
- I would like to apologise for...
- Sorry for the delay in replying.
- We regret to inform you that…
- I am afraid that I must inform you of/that…
- Sorry for any trouble caused.

Photo from Pinterest


- We would be grateful if you could…
- Would you please send me…
- Please keep me informed on the matter.
- Please keep me posted.
- Please, do keep me updated.

Photo from Pinterest


- I am enclosing…
- Attached herewith is...
- Please find enclosed…
- For reference, I've appended…
- You’ll find the attachment below.
- Please find the attached file for your kind reference.
- Please refer to the attached file for your kind perusal.
- Please find the attached file for your approval.
- The requested document is attached to this email.
- Relevant information is in the attached file.

Text: TopBeauty Editorial


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