【職場英文】打工仔必學這5個用語 「算了吧」「不是故意的」原來英文這樣說!

【職場英文】打工仔必學這5個用語 「算了吧」「不是故意的」原來英文這樣說!

By Fennie on 16 May 2024
Digital Editor


英文「算了吧」的對應用語:Forget it、 Give up.Photo from Pinterest

1. 算了吧


Forget it

“I was hoping to catch the last train, but I missed it by a minute. Forget it, I'll call a taxi instead.(我本來想坐末班車回去,但我晚了一分鐘。算了,我叫計程車好了。)”

Give up

“I've been chasing after her for months, but she never reciprocates my feelings.(我已經追她好幾個月了,但她從來都沒回應過我的感情。)” “Give up, it's clear she's not interested.(算了吧/放棄吧,很明顯她就是沒興趣。)"

有時候想同ABC或外國人交談,甚至用Email與外國客戶溝通,總是有些詞句不知道怎麼用英文去表達。Photo from Pinterest

2. 改天再約


can't make it

"I can't make it today. I'm feeling unwell and need to rest at home.(我今天去不了了,我覺得不太舒服,得回家休息。)"

reschedule for another day

"Sorry, but I can't make it today. Can we reschedule for another day?(抱歉,我今天應該去不了了。我們可以改約別天嗎?)"

「離題了」英文用詞:off-topic、to lose focus.Photo from Pinterest

3. 離題了



"We're getting off-topic now.(我們偏離主題了。)"

to lose focus

"As we delved deeper into the project details, Tonny began to lose focus, steering the conversation toward unrelated topics.(我們深入討論專案細節時,Tonny變得不專心,開始談一些與主題無關的話題。)"

英文「我不是故意的」相關用詞:an honest mistake、on purpose.Photo from Pinterest

4. 我不是故意的


an honest mistake

"Sorry, it's an honest mistake.(對不起,那是無心之失。)"

on purpose

"When my coworker accused me of taking credit for their idea, I explained, "I didn't do it on purpose. I'm sorry for the confusion.(我的同事指責我居功了他們的想法時,我解釋說:「我不是故意的,我對造成混淆感到抱歉。」)"

掌握好這幾句英文用詞就可以天下無敵啦!Photo from Pinterest

5. 我不在狀態


not feeling myself

“I'm not feeling myself today.(我今天不在狀態/我今天狀態不好。)”

not in the mood

"I wanted to start on that project, but I'm not in the mood for it right now. I'll tackle it tomorrow when I feel more motivated.(我本來想開始做那個專案,但現在真的沒有心情。等明天,我覺得比較有動力的時候再處理。)"

Text:TopBeauty Editorial


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