【面試技巧】英文面試自我介紹教學 1分鐘、3分鐘英文面試範例、技巧全攻略

【面試技巧】英文面試自我介紹教學 1分鐘、3分鐘英文面試範例、技巧全攻略

By Fennie on 24 Oct 2024
Digital Editor


英文面試自我介紹好難!Photo from Pinterest



1. 自我介紹開頭:個人背景


自我介紹有助於面試官快速建構對你的認識。Photo from Pinterest

2. 自我介紹中段:經驗與能力


面試官非常注重個人能力是否與職缺的需求相符。Photo from Pinterest

3. 自我介紹結尾:未來規劃與總結


無論英文或中文自我介紹,都須包含:個人背景、相關經驗與能力、未來規劃與總結。Photo from Pinterest


Hello, my name is Doris. I obtained my master's degree in Communication from HKU. Currently, I have been at Presslogic for 4 years, working as a content writer. I excel in content strategy, creation, and optimization, successfully driving website traffic and increasing brand awareness. My skills in SEO, social media, and analytics enable me to effectively engage audiences and deliver impactful results.(你好,我是Doris。我在HKU取得傳播學的碩士學位。目前,我已經在Presslogic工作了4年,擔任內容編輯。我在內容策略、創作和優化方面表現出色,成功地增加了網站流量和提升品牌知名度。我在SEO、社群媒體和數據分析方面的技能,使我能夠有效地吸引受眾並產生有影響力的成果。)

面試英文自我介紹1分鐘與3分鐘範例。Photo from Pinterest


Hello, my name is Doris. I obtained my master's degree in Communication from HKU. Currently, I have been at Presslogic for 4 years, working as a content writer. I am responsible for producing website content to generate more impressions.(你好,我是Doris。我在HKU取得傳播學的碩士學位。目前,我已經在Presslogic工作了4年,擔任內容編輯。我的職責是製作網站內容,用以產生更多的網站曝光。)

I bring a strong proficiency in content strategy, creation, and optimization. I've successfully generated website traffic and increased brand awareness in my previous role. I'm skilled in SEO techniques, social media marketing, and data analytics. My ability to create compelling content and my strategic mindset allow me to effectively communicate brand messages and engage with target audiences.(我在內容策略、創作和優化方面具有深厚的能力。我在之前的職位中成功地增加了網站流量並提升了品牌知名度。我擅長使用SEO技巧、社群媒體行銷和數據分析。我能夠創作引人入勝的內容,並具備策略思維,使我能夠有效地傳達品牌訊息並與目標受眾互動。)

In summary, as a passionate Content writer with the necessary skills and experience, I'm excited to contribute to Company A's success. Thank you for considering my application.(總結而言,作為一位充滿熱情的內容編輯,我具備必要的技能和經驗,我對於能為A公司的成功做出貢獻感到非常興奮。感謝您考慮我的申請。)

I am particularly drawn to Company A, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your team. I am confident that my background, combined with my passion for social media and content writer position, makes me a strong candidate for this position. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.(我對A公司特別感興趣,我非常期待有機會為貴公司做出貢獻。我相信我的背景,加上我對社交媒體和內容編輯職位的熱情,使我成為這個職位的有力競爭者。感謝您考慮我的申請,我期待著有機會與您合作。)

Text:TopBeauty Editorial


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