Anne Hathaway 經典電影對白!由少女蛻變熟女見證「選擇放手不是因為輸了,而是因為懂了」
Anne Hathaway出道18年,演過的戲相信大家都有看過,由《走佬俏公主》到《穿Prada的惡魔》,甜美的公主形象和堅毅的大頭蝦助理,Anne Hathaway的演技都深入民心。近期在影集《Modern Love》(摩登情愛)中飾演受躁鬱症困擾的律師,細膩的詮釋讓人感到驚豔,也令人感慨歲月的流逝,因為現在的Anne Hathaway已經是兩子之母了~由少女成長到成熟女人,5句經典對白見證小妮子的成長~一起來回顧她演出的經典角色,回憶那些年陪我們一起成長的Anne Hathaway~
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#1 走佬俏公主(The Princess Diaries)
「勇者並非無懼, 而是擁有分辨比恐懼更重要事情的判斷力。」
“Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.”
Photo from from Pinterest
#2 穿Prada的惡魔(The Devil Wears Prada)
“Giving up doesn’t mean that you’re weak; it only shows that you know it’s time to let go.”
Photo from from Pinterest
#3 愛麗絲夢遊仙境(Alice in Wonderland)
“You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.”
Photo from from Pinterest
#4 情約一天(One Day)
“Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today.”
Photo from from Pinterest
#5 摩登情愛(Modern Love)
“You can’t show only one part of yourself to someone.”
Photo from from Pinterest
Text: TopBeauty Editorial