小資女一樣買得起Chanel!盤點10款低預算Chanel銀包 統統都好看!

小資女一樣買得起Chanel!盤點10款低預算Chanel銀包 統統都好看!

Fashion Shopping
By Khristina on 28 Jul 2020
Digital Editor


chanelPhoto from Pinterest

1. Chanel 19 Small Flap Wallet $7,000

Chanel 19從去年秋冬推出以來就大受歡迎,瞬間成為許多時尚名人的必備手袋。搶不到手袋沒關係,可以入手這個以Chanel 19為設計靈感的銀包,特大的雙C Logo格外搶眼!

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

2. Chanel Classic Small Flap Wallet $5,800


chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

3. Chanel Classic Card Holder $3,700


chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

3. Chanel Boy Chanel Zipped Coin Purse $4,200

顧名思義這是一款專門為散銀所設計銀包,亦Boy Chanel手袋作為靈感來源,裡面一共有三個夾層,小小一個卻非常使用。

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

4. Chanel 2.55 Small Flap Wallet $6,700


chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

5. Chanel Boy Chanel Flap Card Holder $3,900

這款Boy Chanel的翻蓋散紙包一直以來深受廣大女性的追捧,看似小小卻有很大的容量,放入十多張卡片都不成問題。除了基本的黑色與海軍藍之外,還有少女感十足的湖水藍配色,令人愛不釋手啊!

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

6. Chanel Chanel 19 Zipped Coin Purse $4,500

想要一款辨識度極高的銀包,相信這款鮮明的綠色可以滿足你的需求。同樣以Chanel 19延伸出的銀包系列,雙C Logo以鍍釕金屬和皮革相間呈現,質感爆表。

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

7. Chanel Classic Zipped Coin Purse $4,100


chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

8. Chanel Flap Card Holder $3,600


chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

9. Chanel Small Flap Wallet $7,600

又是一款俘虜女生的湖水藍配色,結合了菱格紋以及素面的材質,打造出別具一格的層次感。至於Logo方面也非常有心思,採用一半皮質一半金屬所打造的雙C Logo,玩味十足。

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

10. Chanel Zipped Coin Purse $5,700

以細緻的小羊皮製成的拉鏈錢包,驟眼看是不是有一點Gabrielle的影子?至於雙C Logo則是設計在拉鏈的位置,低調不失奢華。

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

chanel pursePhoto from Chanel

Text: TopBeauty Editorial


【Chanel 2020早秋系列】根本就是潘朶拉的盒子!Chanel全新小盒子手袋上架!

21 June 2020

萬眾期待的Chanel 2020早秋系列手袋日前終於上架,瞬間掀起社交熱話,是次系列是由新任設計總監Virginie Viard操刀,以復古奢華為主題,當中以超高話題度的Kiss-Lock扣手袋最為矚目~其實近年Chanel每次推出新品,特別是小巧精緻的袋款都會掀起搶購熱潮,而小盒子系列更是長期熱賣!如果你仲未入手這款人氣不衰的IT Bag,就要把握今次的機會,讓新版小盒子成為你衣櫃裡的最新成員!!

ChanelPhoto from Pinterest

Photo from Pinterest

2020年的Chanel Spring/Summer 2020時裝展中,「人間香奈兒」Jennie Kim將Cruise 2020小盒子(Small Classic Box With Chain)帶到鎂光燈下後,隨即成為Google熱搜,引起了搶購熱潮 !簡約的外型,小巧的尺寸,盒子般堅挺的設計,配上經典菱格皮、孖C Logo,百搭易襯,難怪輕易就成為了新一代Chanel斷貨王。而最重要的事,其價格親民,是品牌入門的大熱款式!

Chanel Kiss-lock扣手袋 $39,300 (15 × 22 × 9 cm)



Chanel細號kiss-lock扣手袋 $31,300 (11 × 14 × 7 cm)



Kiss-Lock扣手袋絕對是Chanel小盒子(Small Classic Box With Chain)的完美變奏 ,弦續了小盒子的精緻,注入華麗復古的設計。全新Kiss-Lock扣手袋備有2款大小尺寸,顏色就以黑、金、紅為主,而拉鍊就換上Clasp款,不過定價亦同時「奔華」起來~雖然售價比春夏系列的小盒子高了一截,不過相信以其高貴的氣場,將不乏捧場客,定必成為最新一代斷貨王!

Chanel經典細號鏈條方形包 $16,000 (8.5 × 11 × 7 cm)

Photo from Chanel

Chanel經典鏈條方形包 $15,200(9.5 × 17 × 8 cm)

Photo from Chanel

Photo from Chanel

Chanel迷你鏈條梳妝袋 $12,800 (8.5 × 11 × 7 cm)

Photo from Chanel

Photo from Chanel


Chanel漆面小牛皮及金色金屬 唇膏盒 $7,900

Photo from Chanel

Photo from Chanel

Text: TopBeauty Editorial


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